I'm consistently in awe of the human journey and the resilience of the human spirit!

Everyone has a story. No one gets through this life without touching grief, adversity, or something that challenges us to our core. Through these challenges, we can touch great beauty. This is what inspires me about Women in Focus. I love learning about the strength and resilience of our community. The diverse paths women have walked and their journey through adversity into the women they are today!

I grew up in the little mountain town of Crested Butte. This gave me an unquenchable curiosity for life, adventure, and pushing myself past my perceived limits—mentally and physically. The wild beauty of nature fueled my spirit to ask questions, think outside the box, and create life on my own terms. Freedom is my muse. At the young age of 19, I experienced a near-death car accident that changed the trajectory of my life. My dreams of becoming a professional athlete, a runway model, and hosting an outdoor teen advocacy program to help teens be seen, heard, and cultivate their gifts—were shattered! With sixteen broken bones and internal injuries, I was told I would never get back to the activities I loved again!

Being my rebellious spirit, I said, "I'll show you!" Little did I know this journey would take me over fifteen years! I went from wheelchair to walker, crutches to cane, limping to walking, eventually running, and finding my athletics again. I also went from freedom from chronic pain to rediscovering my joy, hope, and passion for life!

Today, I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to serve over 8,000 individuals who are finding freedom in their bodies and minds while creating a life they love!

I'm a transformational facilitator. I guide individuals through the peaks and valleys of life while touching more of our humanity. Underneath all of the layers of protection we build, there's gold. I guide people through coaching and nutritional transformation for body, mind, and spirit!

I live in Montrose and spend time playing with my nephews and niece, working and co-facilitating with my sister Mary Beth, and adventuring and exploring the surrounding mountains and lakes!