Beauty Within

My goal is to help you look and feel your best through nutrient-dense, living foods.

Have you ever said…


"I want to let go of cravings and feel nourished.”


"I'm ready to release anxiety and step into presence, peace, and confidence.”


"I want to look in the mirror and love myself.”


"I'm ready to show up with my A-game today."

We understand how challenging it can be to prioritize your own well-being, especially when balancing the demands of work, family, and personal goals.

This is why we created Beauty Within. Our program is all about helping you reduce stress, improve your confidence, boost your mood, gain clarity and focus, let go of inflammation, love the woman you see in the mirror, and save hours in your day.

Maybe health and fitness have felt like a chore to you or have been about suffering and restriction, and you want health to be about ease, abundance, and joy.

Our program covers all of your nutritional needs, tastes delicious, and helps you glow from the inside out.

Many people know me as an athlete and an entrepreneur who has impacted thousands of women’s lives. I’m so honored that I’ve been able to help families create generational health, peace, and purpose. 

But there was a time when I forgot my worthiness, gifts, and beauty because I compared myself to the athlete I once was. 

I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself, and you know what? I didn't love the woman I saw in the mirror. I didn’t accept her. I judged her harshly compared to who she once was.

You see, 2011 was a season in my life when I felt broken. I was putting the pieces back together after being in a relationship that didn’t serve my soul. I’d abandoned myself for someone else's happiness and someone else’s dreams, and in the process, I became miserable. 

On top of that, I was forty pounds overweight and in chronic pain from a car accident that I’d been in six years earlier. The accident felt like it was yesterday because I carried so much trauma and pain in my body. 

I went from feeling alive to feeling numb inside. From being one of the fastest women in the state to walking with a limp. From believing I could do anything and be anyone to struggling to find purpose. 

I went to bed by 8 pm because I couldn’t face the pain for one more minute. I went from lighting up a room to swallowing my tears back and hiding.

 I felt like I couldn't breathe…

When I looked in the mirror, I saw someone who’d lost her dreams. I saw someone who didn't live up to her potential. I was embarrassed by her because I knew what she was capable of, what she was made of, and I knew her strength. 

She could turn mud into gold, but somehow I couldn't find that woman anywhere. 

Beauty Within is the lifeline I needed when life became too heavy to hold. After three days of adding these superfoods into my life, I felt the lights turn on in my body. After 90 days, I came home to myself. It was the first time I’d felt like myself in fifteen years. 

I could finally breathe. 

After three months, I signed up for my first 5k race. I got 8th place off the couch and felt like I could have run all day. 

Beauty Within was my second chance at life and at my dreams.

And through this process, I learned to never give up on myself, and to keep trying, because there’s always a solution to what we’re seeking, even if, at times, it feels impossible. 

I learned that our bodies can do incredible things when we give them the correct internal terrain and support them with nutrient-dense foods and self-care.

And I learned that even if no one else believes in your dreams or believes your dreams are possible if you believe in yourself and keep showing up for yourself, even when your hope waivers, you’ll find a way, and when you do, you become evidence of what’s possible for others! 

So please never give up on yourself! 

So if you're ready to give yourself a second chance, if you're ready to breathe abundance, joy, and expansion into your life

If you're tired of living for yesterday and ready to live for today, and if you're tired of waiting for permission to play full out, love yourself unconditionally, and live on purpose, I invite you to join us.

You'll Recieve

  • Power Shake (30 servings 2 Terra Pouches)

  • Dark Berry Protein (30 servings 2 Terra Pouches)

  • 2 Apothe-Cherry

  • 2 Super Amino 23

  • 1 Biome Medic

  • 1 Renew Hair, Skin, and Nails

  • 1 Purium Personal Hand Blender 18 oz - White

It takes 90 days to create a new habit. The products help nourish and detoxify your body for improved digestion, better sleep, and a balanced mood.

This ultimate transformation pack is filled with ingredients to help your body thrive, including clean protein, greens, fruit, healthy fats, and more.

Core Benefits:

  • Increase Energy Levels

  • Activate Cellular Detoxification

  • Reduce Unhealthy Fat

  • Create Lean Muscle

  • Eliminate Toxic Glyphosate

  • Repair Gut Microbiome Diversity

  • Improve Digestion & Elimination

  • Reduce Bloating

  • Enhance Deep Sleep

  • Improve Mood & Focus

  • Support a Healthy Inflammatory Response

  • Clean up the lymphatic system

  • Advance Brain & Nervous System Health & Memory

Additional Benefits:

  • Support Healthy Aging

  • Produce Firm Healthy Collagen

  • Promotes Strong, Healthy Hair

  • Grow Thick, Strong Nails

  • Balance Endocrine System Function


We have a host of success stories.

Transforming; Migraines, back pain, brain fog + building community with Katie Brown~


Transforming; Acne, anxiety, depression, menstrual cycle, conception + joint pain with Allie Sarratos~


Athlete transformation, endurance, mental clarity, reduced inflammation with Lin z Schauer~


If we want to up-level our lives, we need to up-level ourselves from the inside out first!

Additional Bonuses:

In addition to your superfoods which cover two meals a day, you’ll receive:

  • Recipes

  • Optional Weekly Support Calls

  • Inspiring & Supportive Community

  • Three Beauty-Within Embodiment Practices

  • Sustainable Lifestyle Habits for a More Joyful Life

  • Movement and Self-Care Tips

  • Journal Prompts

  • Learn How to Tap Into Your Body’s Innate Wisdom and Learn How to Listen to Your Body’s Needs

Before I let you go I have another story for you, about what Beauty Within means to me. When I was sixteen, I saw my friend look in the mirror, lift up her shirt, suck in, and pinch her belly. She squeezed her thighs, and ill never forget the look of disgust and rejection she gave herself.

I wish she knew how beautiful she is…

I wish she saw herself how I see her. In my eyes, she looked like a goddess—a toned and supple athlete with beautiful long hair, curved hips, and cute freckles.

In her eyes, she believed she was fat. She believed she was ugly; she thought she wasn't good enough.

And It broke my heart.

Where she saw imperfection, I saw strength. I saw a woman who had something so special to offer that it couldn't be presented in a pretty little box.

When she looked in the mirror, I’d watch her deflate. Her shoulders would collapse, her chest would sink in, and she’d exhale with a frustrated sigh as if to say, “Why bother? Nobody’s going to like me anyway.”

Beauty Within is a reclamation of our natural born beauty. A beauty that doesn't measure ourselves against external standards.

Because you know what? No one, and nothing outside of you, determines your worth. Not your success, accolades, designer clothes, or weight. That stuff can't even touch the beauty and grace that lives inside of you.

In Beauty Within, that's who we’re having a conversation with. That's who we’re getting to know, that part of you that's so radiant; we keep her boxed up because we’re afraid if we let her out, the world can't handle her.  So, if you want to have the courage to face yourself, all of yourself, with unconditional love, I invite you to join us.